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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blood Promise by Richelle Mead

In Shadow Kiss, Richelle left us with a cliff hanger to kill. Now, Rose has abandoned the last living Dragomir, and her best friend, Lissa, in an attempt to keep her promise--and kill the only man she has ever truly loved. Blood Promise, the latest installment in the Vampire Academy series, takes us to Russia, and, coincidentally, to Dimitri's home.

With an action-packed kick, this novel truly hits home, with the most fantastic plot, and twists and turns galore. This is novel was, by far, the most emotional novel in the Vampire Academy series, and one of my favorite. The characters just get better and better, and, if possible, more dimensional.

In my personal opinion, the best part of the entire book—surprisingly enough—was the ending. I always hate the endings of books. But this one, since I knew there was going to be at least two more (thank GOD for that!) I truly loved. It ended with such a twist, and one of the best kind!

See, you pretty much already know what’s going to happen from the beginning—what has to happen—which is Rose going to Russia and hunting down Dimitri. So, most of the book was a given. But then, when you think its all over, BAM! And, all of a sudden, you know exactly how Richelle could write two more books in the series.

Despite my overall high thoughts of this novel, i have to say it was also probably one of the slowest to get going. The first two-thirds of this book is slow-paced and so torturous that i nearly quit at it, and most definitely had the urge to throw it at something. ut, even with my annoyance over the slow start, i cannot deny how much i loved this novel, or the new mysteries the next novel is bound unveil.

Blood Promise is a novel bound to please . . . and to destroy many Dimitri-lovers hearts. It ends with a true cliff-hanger, one i am sure cannot be topped. Mead really blew my mind with this one, and i can't WAIT to see where she goes from here! A truly astounding novel!



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