When Ginny receives thirteen little blue envelopes and instructions to buy a plane ticket to London, she knows something exciting is going to happen. What Ginny doesn't know is that she will have the adventure of her life and it will change her in more ways than one. Life and love are waiting for her across the Atlantic, and the thirteen little blue envelopes are the key to finding them in this funny, romantic, heartbreaking novel.
If you love to travel (or love the idea of traveling, or the mere thought of traveling, or wish you had the money or the time to travel), this here is your book. Even disregarding the plot, and the characters, and the writing, the traveling just drew me in.
That said, everything else about the book is superb as well. The plot was great. Can you imagine if you were in Ginny's situation? I, of course, would be thrilled. Everyone needs some spontaneity in their life, I say. It's the perfect opportunity to see the world: without a camera, without a phone, without the internet. Ginny's aunt is absolutely crazy, others would think. Sending her niece on a wild goose chase? In Europe? Alone? I love it.
Ginny was great. I loved her personality, her voice, her thoughts, her actions. I really feel like I bonded with her. She's awesome. Most of the other characters in the book were very minor throughout the novel; Ginny was, essentially, alone during this entire trip. She grew a lot, and the minor characters helped her do that. For those of you wondering, there wasn't a ton of romance, but, surprisingly, I didn't think it was necessary. The romance simply wasn't needed. The story didn't need a helping hand, so the romance was a happy little extra.
13 Little Envelopes is a perfect summer read, a perfect oh-my-god-it's-100-degrees-out-and-I-don't-want-to-leave-the-house read, and a great by-the-pool book. Of course, us on the west coast have already been forced back to school, but everyone else: hit up the bookstore and pick this one up! You won't regret it! If you do, feel free to send me some lovely hate mail.
Grade: A+
PS: Don't forget to check out the sequel, The Last Little Blue Envelope. It rocks.
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