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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Book Review: Deadly Little Secret by Laurie Faria Stolarz

Until three months ago, everything about sixteen-year-old Camelia's life had been fairly ordinary: decent grades; an okay relationship with her parents; and a pretty cool part-time job at an art studio downtown. But when Ben, the mysterious new guy, starts junior year at her high school, Camelia's life becomes far from ordinary.

Rumored to be somehow responsible for his ex-girlfriend's accidental death, Ben is immediately ostracized by everyone on campus. Except for Camelia. She's reluctant to believe he's trouble, even when her friends try to convince her otherwise. Instead she's inexplicably drawn to Ben...and to his touch. But soon, Camelia is receiving eerie phone calls and strange packages with threatening notes. Ben insists she is in danger, and that he can help – but can he be trusted? She knows he's hiding something...but he's not the only one with a secret.

summary from

What i thought: This novel is absolutely fabulous! From the moment i read the inside cover, i knew that the sturdy plot with a strong air of mystery would suck me in after i merely glimpsed at the front page--and boy was i right!

The beginning hook sets the scene for the entire novel: Mystery and suspense with a touch of romance--no pun intended. Ben's character intrigued me, an i couldnt help but wonder what it was that was keeping him separated from the crowd, and if the rumors were true. Ben himself has an air of mystery surrounding him, which only adds to the suspense that builds throughout this amazing novel, the first in the TOUCH series by Laurie Stolarz, the famed author of Blue is for Nightmares. You will be turning the pages rapidly in order to discover the person who is stalking Camelia, and what it is he wants. Every time one of your questions is answered, about three or four more will arise.

Each thought of Camelia's and her mysterious stalker's will make you look in another direction, point your finger at another one of Cam's peers. Rather than dragging yourself through this novel, you will be pushed by the words and characters themselves, each and every page making the same questions run through your mind: Who is doing this? Why?

Stolarz speaks in a strong voice, and said voice is very distinguishable from other authors in a way even i cannot comprehend. A fabulous first novel in a new series that will leave all of its readers dying for more!

don't forget to keep an eye out for Deadly Little Lies, available in November 2009 wherever books are sold.



Mary1298 said...

this review is really great!! i am soooooooo adding this to my TBRP!!!!!

simply nerdy book reviews said...

Mary, i'm glad you liked my review! Deadly Little Secret is amazing--you'll love it!


CamCam21 said...

great review! are you doing that 48 hr book challenge thingyy? i keep on seeing those entries talking abuot it, but you havent said any thing . . . because they're giving out copies of Catching Fire to the winners 2 and you seem like you want one really badly from the things you said on the bar thingy:-) hehe


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