Now rabid fans are invading her school. People is running articles about her arm-warmers. The lead singer of the Lolitas wants her as his muse. (And the Internet is documenting her every move!) Audrey can't hang out with her best friend or get with her new crush without being mobbed by fans and paparazzi.
What i thought: I absolutely adore this book! the characters are real, the plot is real . . . The entire story was very, well, real, and it seemed like something that could happen in everyday life. I liked that very much, because sometimes you'll read a book like this, and you'll think no way would that ever happen. But Benway did, and with a fresh voice that'll hook you from the start, Audrey, Wait! will no doubt be added to your list of favorites! Audrey's got some serious spunk in her, and the entire novel is, as Victoria would say "haha funny!"
I really loved the fact that music played such a big part in this book, because i am definitely one of those people who you could say view music as a religion. Many of the bands quoted in the beginning of each chapter i knew and loved, and every time i came across one i did not, i went online to Playlist and listened to it while i read. The fact that music was involved only made me love this novel even more.
Benway's writing is sarcastic and witty, making it easy to believe this is a story told by a teenager. Audrey, Wait! is completely original, with a diferent sound than the standard tale of high school drama, and a brand new song to sing.
The underlying plot of romance was definitely a bonus, and i loved James! He was adorable, witty, can deal with your pshyco parents--basically every girl's dream boyfriend. Victoria is definitely the kind of friend we all wish we had, one who would bring a hammer in your time of need. Audrey has seriously got some spunk in her, and has got more energy than my little sister. And my little sister is the Engergizer bunny. I wish I were more like Audrey!
I should try this book again
its a bit slow in the start, isnt it? i had started it a few months ago, then stopped on page fifty-something and my sister read it. she liked it, so i tried again and loved it!
Darn it! I just remembered that I was gonna write down all the songs at the beginnings of the chapters and check them out. Forgot to and returned the book, genius move there, huh? :P
Really good review. :)
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