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Friday, February 13, 2009

Book Review: Old Magic by Marianne Curley

Jarrod Thornton is mesmerizing, but Kate Warren doesn't know why.

The moment the new guy walks into the room, Kate senses something strange and intense about him. Something supernatural. Her instincts are proven correct a few minutes later when, bullied by his classmates, Jarrod unknowingly conjures up a freak thunderstorm inside their classroom.

Jarrod doesn't believe in the paranormal. When Kate tries to convince him that he has extraordinary powers that need to be harnessed, he only puts up with her "hocus pocus" notions because he finds her captivating. However, the dangerous, uncontrolled strengthening of his gift finally convinces Jarrod that he must take Kate's theories seriously. Together, they embark on a remarkable journey -- one which will unravel the mystery that has haunted Jarrod's family for generations and pit the teens against immense forces in a battle to undo the past and reshape the future.

What i thought: Marianne Curley definately knows how to write a mesmorizing story. From the moment i picked this up, i could not seem to put it down. Jarrod's stubborness and Katie's odd qualities make it all the more enjoyable. This thrilling novel ultimately proves the one thing many doubt: the good never lose; the bad never win. I was literally chewing my nails as i read to reach the resolution--surprising as it was--as there was only one way for anything to be resolved: death. And boy did it happen.

Curley easily weaves in the peculiar qualities of Medievel Britain with the current-day teens. I personally loved the historical aspect to the novel, especially when it didn't disrupt the story's flow. In many ways, the combination of history and modern lives helped the story, captivating the reader in ways unimaginable. Katie and Jarrod's unsurprisingly intense relationship truly strengthens the plot and becomes the story's back bone in many ways, and even in times when the plot becomes slow, it provides a reason to continue--something i particularly enjoyed about Marianne Curley's writing style: there was always a reason to read more.

Overall, this book is a thoroughly thrilling read that will not disappoint. If you enjoy this novel, i recommend the Gemma Doyle series by Libba Bray and Marianne Curley's other novels.



prophecygirl said...

Great review! I really should get around to reading this. I see you're reading Vampire Beach... I love that series!

simply nerdy book reviews said...

haha thanks for commenting!

Laina said...

Have you read her Guardians of Time books? They're soooooooooooo good.

simply nerdy book reviews said...

Nope. Never. i'll look into it, though! Thanks!

Ashley said...

I reall want to read this. It sounds good! And good review! :]


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